B&C United Home Care

Don’t Judge Me Because of My Age

Illustration of an invisible woman

How I’m speaking out against discrimination

by Candy Schulman, AARP, October 9, 2019

Don’t Judge Me Because of My Age

I normally post blogs dealing with caregiving issues, home health aides, Long-Term Care Plans and health costs. Yet, this blog caught me. I’ve been thinking, we as a society have been placing seniors into one category.  I’m hoping you’ll have time to open it and enjoy the read. If you don’t have time to read it, I leave you with a brief summary.

  1. Stop lumping Seniors into one category! Seniors are not one size fits all. Especially as a consumer, in the next 20-30 years seniors will be one of the largest buying groups. So as we move forward we need to understand how to position products and how sales force greet our seasoned buyers.
  2. Also think out side of the box on how to influence those dollars. Like I said before, the title Senior is not one size fits all.
    1. The magic number is 65 years of age to be called a senior. To add to the range, people are leaving longer. I personally know 90+ year-olds who are sharp and move better than someone in their 50’s.
    2. So how do you market to seniors, how do you make your products ‘user-friendly’ and even relevant to some one who says, “I’ve got shoes older than you son?” I’ll know we are taking the next largest buying group serious when I start to see the advertising.

Stay Inspired,


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