B&C United Home Care

Who’s Talking to Your Seniors

I posted this a while back, I clearly focused on phone calls made to seniors in selling products or asking for personal information.

Recently, I noticed computer ads, especially for our tech savvy seniors. Seniors are being targeted. Please beware and move with caution.

I recently saw an ad on the internet stating, “Medicare Changes Do Not Support Seniors. For help in understanding the new changes to Medicare in 2020 click here. We can help you lowering your deductibles.”

I’m not saying they are not helpful, but what I am saying, “Know who’s talking to your seniors.”

I have clients who’s adult children are scratching their heads on why their deductibles have increased and I have one client, who’s mother enrolled into two Medicare plans and the more expensive one with less coverage bumped the other plan.

The holidays are approaching quickly. If you haven’t started talking to your loved ones about their Long-Term Plan. It’s a good time to start and if the discussion goes sideways, it always easy to blame it on Aunt Mary’s Eggnog and try, try, try again on another date.

Stay Inspired,


PS I finally launched B&C Cares Non-Profit. In case you have not notice, my goal for families to start talking about Long-Term Care Goals. Please keep an eye for the new website.

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