B&C United Home Care

How Can I take My Mother’s License?


I wish I had more time to write about this question. I’m helping a family with this very issue and few years back I had to tackle this issue head on with my family.

I found this quick article please enjoy

How to take Mom’s license

Just a few hints;

  1. Every situation and every person is different.
  2. Have Pre-talks with family, Friends and/or Physicians before you present this issue head on. I call it, “Do a little Homework” Beware of landmines that maybe trigger points.
  3. Try not to let it get heated, if it does bring it back to the facts or start the conversation later. Please be care if dementia is involved they may tie emotions to the subject even though they may have forgotten the last time they had the conversation.
  4.  And if possible use your “Code Word” if you and your loved have one. (In a prior blog) Code Word; it’s a word you use when your family member needs to trust your judgement in that moment and later when you are out of the public’s eye or in the heat of conversation you can better explain.

Again, I can’t stress enough each family is different and every journey is slightly different. Please take a deep breath and remember Rome was not built in one day. It was built brick by brick. This is a process.

Stay Inspired,



PS. I’m toying the with the next topic. Its hard but it has truth. Please send me your thoughts as I put together this blog

“How to handle the right way to Die”

“When do you decide to help your family member with their final wishes?”


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Thanks for addressing this. It is one of the most prominent and difficult transitions in aging and family care giving.

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