B&C United Home Care

Sticker Shock

sticker shock


In interesting article about CVS Caremark allowing clients to exclude coverage to drugs with extremely high launch prices. The program is aimed at pressing manufactures to lower drug costs.

CVS Launched program targeting expensive new drugs

I’ve been in medical sales for 15 plus years. I’ve sold implantable devices and I totally understand the cost of goods sold. Manufacturers have so many costs to doing business and not to mention the cost of research, to continuously launch new and improved drug therapy. Yet there is a line. The line is how much can we afford to pay as the consumer?

Each side has a valid point.

The point I want to make is ask questions to your physician and your pharmacist. If you are not taking your meds due to costs or you are having a hard time tolerating the drug, ask are there other options. Ask is there a less expensive drug, ask if the other drug is of equal value and in concentration. Also let your doctors know if your can’t tolerate the drug, maybe there’s another version you can tolerate.

Don’t let sticker shock stop you from your therapy. And if it does, let your doctors know; let your family know. There are options.

Stay Inspired,


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