B&C United Home Care

The Answer is “NO” if you never ask!


Lately, the number one advice I’ve given out to potential clients….Call your provider whether it be private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid or a combination. Understand your benefits. Secondly, make sure your loved ones health records are up to date with all of their diagnoses.

If you are looking for help to offset your medical expenses, especially if  you are considering Home Care, look to your provider first and make sure your records are in order.

You would be amazed how many people I’ve spoken to and their current health diagnose is not reflected in their provider’s records.  I know it sounds crazy but it happens all the time. Example, a resent hospitalization may have left mom needing more care at home, yet the primary care doctor may not be aware because mom was doing well in the hospital, but not so well since being home. And there’s no record yet on insurance and the physician’s appointment is still a few weeks out. Or maybe there’s been fender bender with the car, and you’ve been so busy tying ends up, but had never thought to alerted the primary care doctor that the dementia is progressing. You’re waiting for the next visit which is three months away.

Its not just you, its all of us. We think we’ll get to it tomorrow, but tomorrow comes with its own set of fire drills, so things sometimes get lost or never completed.

So stop working in silos, ask for help. Talk to anyone who’s willing to listen. Tell them your story and ask if they can help.

Stay Inspired,




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