B&C United Home Care

What Debts Can You Pay off During the Spend-Down Period?

What Debts Can You Pay off During the Spend-Down Period?

I know Medicaid strikes fear in some hearts, but seniors — unless they have monies that would make the Prince Ali/Aladdin, with his magic lamp, blush — need to continuously check if they qualify for Medicaid. This becomes even more important if they have more than one chronic disease and/or are pushing in to their 80s.

Health care is expensive; living with chronic disease is more expensive.

What is the Spend-Down Program?

The Spend-Down Program (also called excess or surplus income program) is a way for certain categories of applicants to get Medicaid even though their income or assets are over the limit. How? By offsetting their excess income with medical expenses. For example, imagine two potential Medicaid applicants who are both in the DAB* category and have assets below the limit. (*DAB = Disable, Age 65+ or Blind)

Keep in mind that the Spend-Down Program is state-run, so depending on where you live, the rules and regulations will change. Also, not all Medicaid programs are available to spend down. Please conduct research on your specific state rules.

More importantly, if you are assuming your seniors’ finances, please consult with an elder law attorney, your personal lawyer, or research your county for senior services — they tend to have free elder lawyer services and/or a social worker who can best direct you on what bills should be paid, and what assets should be sold to cover your seniors’ expenses.

If you have additional questions,  please feel free to ask.

Stay Inspired,


For more information in the Western New York area, go to: Alert – Tips for Managed Long Term Care Applicants who have a Medicaid Spend down (Excess Income)

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